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The Animals of NOMAD
For our Icewine and Late Harvest labels, the owner of Hinterbrook Winery, George, used his fine arts background to sketch portraits of the animals that roam the estate.
Our 2020 Late Harvest Riesling features a groundhog that took up residence on our grounds. It dug up the soil and caused the vineyard staff lots of headaches as they tried to undo the furry fellow’s damage.
Our 2019 Icewine Riesling features a drawing of a majestic owl that George spotted one early morning while going for a stroll among the grapevines.
Our 2019 Icewine Cabernet Franc features a beautiful stag that one early morning suddenly appeared at the edge of our vineyards. It gazed out over our estate, before slowly turning and disappearing into the surrounding forests, never to be seen again.
These sketches tell the stories of the magical experiences one can have with NOMAD at Hinterbrook Winery. Come by for a visit and create your own story. Open daily 11am to 6pm.